半個月前在瑜珈刊物部落格看見〈7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Start Yoga Teacher Training.〉一文,文中討論的雖然是「成為瑜珈老師之前,7個可以自問的前提」,我仍然覺得這7個問題足以用來檢視每一次「我們即將擔任起某個身份」時,我們夠格了嗎?準備好了嗎?
You’re loving yoga and how it makes you feel.
You’re loving going to class and being part of a yoga community.
You’re loving the other people you’re meeting and how open and loving and cool they are.
You especially admire and respect the cool, calm and collected yoga teacher spreading all the good vibes at the front of the room.
A thought arises.Teaching yoga would be fun.
The idea develops.I’d love to teach yoga.
You start looking up teacher training courses online.
Stop right there.
Before you go any further and before you commit money and time to a yoga teacher training course, here are the seven best questions to ask first and the answers you’re looking for.
Questions to ask yourself before signing up for Yoga Teacher Training:
1. Do you have a consistent, committed home yoga practice?
1. 你能在家中也持續的、堅定的進行自我練習嗎?
What’s the difference between a yoga student and a yogi?One goes to classes and the other has a home yoga practice.
Who teaches yoga—the yoga student or the yogi?The yogi.
If you want to teach yoga, first you need to develop a consistent, committed home yoga practice.
If you’re still not practicing yoga at home, by yourself, with no DVD or audio recording, you’re not ready to teach yoga.
If you’re not ready to teach yoga, now is not the time to do a yoga teacher training. (Unless you want to use the training to deepen your own practice and have no intention of teaching.)
Before you sign up for training, before you put down a deposit, before you even research on the internet, commit to a home yoga practice.
In an ideal world, our yoga teachers would have practiced at home by themselves for years before they started teaching.
Now, a minimum of six months will give you a strong foundation for beginning to develop as a yogi.
This home yoga practice is what sustains you as a teacher and it’s where you draw from in order to teach.
Correct answer to #1: Yes.
2. Have you found a style of yoga, or a teacher you love?
2. 你找到了一個你深愛的瑜珈派別或瑜珈老師嗎?
The answer to this question will spring out of the home practice you already have (right?).
What do you practice at home? How to you practice at home? If you’re an Astangi yogi, it’s clear. If you’re an Iyengar yogi, it’s also clear. Maybe you’re drawn to a more integrated lineage like Satyananda.
Or perhaps you’ve studied with one of the myriad of modern teachers who draw on a number of influences to craft their own particular style of yoga, like Shiva Rea, Ana Forrest or Sean Corne.
或者你跟隨各種五花八門的現代教師,他們融合了某些練習風格,並自創出自己的練習方式,例如Shiva Rea, Ana Forrest 或 Sean Corne。
Regardless, until you find the yoga path that works for you, how can you know what to study, what to practice and therefore what to teach?
It’s even possible that you’re not a Hatha Yoga teacher and are a Bhakti devotee, or even a Jñāna yogi. If you don’t know, explore.
Correct answer to #2: Yes.
3. Have there been independent, external clues drawing you to a teacher’s path?
3. 有任何外來的獨立線索,引導你成為瑜珈教師嗎?
It is said that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. It could also be said that when the teacher is ready, the students appear.
A clear clue that a teacher’s path is opening up before you is when for whatever reason, you find yourself teaching a yoga class.
Maybe the teacher didn’t show up, maybe the teacher asked you to step in and cover him, maybe friends of yours asked you to take them through a short practice.
Regardless, even though you’ve got no yoga teacher training, opportunities to teach keep arising in your life.
Other clues you’re ready to teach are teachers suggesting your look at yoga teacher training.
If you’ve been working with the same teacher for a few years, they may be able to see you’re teacher material.
Correct answer to #3: Yes.
4. Are the resources for attending a yoga teacher training program lining up for you?
4. 有足夠的資源支持你去參加瑜珈師資養成課程嗎?
It takes time, money and support to attend a yoga teacher training program, especially if you have family commitments.
You may desperately want to go to a training, but if you don’t have the money in the bank to make it happen, or the time available, it might not be the right time.
It could be tempting to borrow the money for a training, but given that yoga teachers (in general) struggle to make a living wage, starting a yoga teacher career already in debt is not a wise move.
Better to work hard and save the cash first, while continuing to develop your own home yoga practice. Teaching yoga will always be there. The best teachers are those who have had years and decades of practice.
Even if you don’t train until you’re 50, you’ve still got 30 or 40 years or teaching in front of you.
It’s important to have the time to train properly too. Don’t skimp on training because you can only spare two weeks looking for the shortest yoga teacher training available.
Be honest and wait until you can devote the necessary time to a great training.
Correct answer to #4: Yes.
Now you’re got a solid home yoga practice, you’re in love with a particular style or teacher, there’s plenty of external clues that a teacher’s path is opening up before you and the necessary resources of time, money and support are all lined up, it’s time to check out yoga teacher training programs.
Here’s what to look for. Yoga-Teacher-Training-FloridaQuestions to ask of Yoga Teacher Training Programs:
5. Is the program well-respected and reputable?
5. 這個師培課程是深具信譽、而且備受尊重的嗎?
Don’t rely on the rubber stamp of approval from others to determine the quality of a program. Just because a program has a certificate doesn’t mean it’s great.
Even if the program is not certified, it could be well-respected and thorough.
If it’s important to you to have a recognized qualification, go for a program that offers that. If you’re most interested in the actual quality of the training, dig deeper and ask more questions.
How long has the program been established? Who are the senior teachers? How many people have been through the training? Find someone who’s done the training and ask them about it.
Correct answer to #5: Yes.
6. Will I receive a thorough grounding in all aspects related to yoga teaching?
6. 我會接收到徹底、實際且各方面兼備的瑜伽教學資訊嗎?
There is far more to training a yoga teacher then teaching them the correct alignment for a yoga posture.
Besides teachings in asana, pranayama and meditation, you want a program that covers yoga philosophy to some degree including mention of concepts like Koshas, Kleshas, Yamas, Niyamas, Nadis and Prana(s).
Ideally, yogic texts including Patanjali’s Sutras will at least be referenced.
The best program will support you in connecting to your own inner yoga teacher (without that, you can’t teach). It should touch on accessing intuition and wisdom, with some discernment thrown in there as well.
You also want a yoga teacher training program that offers some guidance on the business of teaching yoga, or at least the ethics of teaching yoga.
Correct answer to #6: Yes.
7. Does the program offer ongoing support and reasonable access to senior teachers?
7. 這個訓練課程可以持續的提供支持,以及在合理的範圍內,讓學生能夠繼續請教資深教師嗎?
This is important! Attending an intense month-long yoga teacher training can blast your psyche wide open.
If you’re then shipped off back to the regular world with no ongoing support available, or access to the teachers who helped blow you wide open, you could end up in a terrible state.
Yoga is a powerful practice. Yoga in a group situation; day after day after day it is even more powerful.
Any yoga teacher program that does not acknowledge this power and help students deal with any potential fallout is woefully negligent.
This is even more important if you’ve experienced any deep trauma in your life which you may or may not have yet dealt with. Teacher training can bring it all up.
Before you sign up for the training, make sure you ask after the training, can I e-mail my teacher questions that arise about my practice?
Correct answer to #7: Yes.
If you read through those seven questions and answered yes for them all, congratulations, you’re ready to train as a yoga teacher and you’ve found the right yoga teacher training program to sign up for.
If you got no for some questions, you need to take some more time before committing to training. It doesn’t mean you won’t become a yoga teacher, it’s just that good things take time. Develop that home practice. Find that style you love. See what happens from there.
Laying a strong foundation before you even start yoga teacher training will only stand you in good steed over the long-term. And it could potentially save you thousands of dollars because you’ll choose the right yoga teacher training program for you.
註一(取自維基百科):Bhakti Yoga,又稱「虔信瑜伽」,亦可稱爲「奉愛瑜伽」、「信瑜伽」。追求超越情緒、理性純善的道之愛,以冥想、唱誦、禮拜等嚴謹的宗教生活態度以及積極行善來達成。
註二(取自維基百科):Jnana Yoga,又稱「知識瑜伽」。以理性的思維、邏輯思辯以探求真理的瑜伽。用印度人的觀點來看,中國的老子、莊子等可以視為智慧瑜伽修行者。
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 23:58
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